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5 Strategies to Stop Losing Money on Your Shopify Store

November 20, 2023

5 strategies to stop losing money on your shopify store

Are you tired of watching money just slip away from your Shopify store? You’re not alone. Manybusiness owners are in the same position and it can be a frustrating experience. After all, it’sessential to make sure that your customers are having the best possible experience with yourshop. But don’t worry! There are plenty of strategies you can use to stop your Shopify store frombleeding cash. Here are five things to consider if you want to start turning things around.

Watch Shopper Behaviour on your Shopify Store and Landing Pages

Watch Shopper Behaviour on your Shopify Store and Landing Pages

The first step is to understand where things go wrong for your shoppers on their path topurchase. To do this, you need to have an analytics system in place. This could be GoogleAnalytics or something else, but it’s important that you use an analytics tool so that you cantrack how people are engaging with your website and landing pages. With this data, you’ll beable to identify problem areas, such as areas where customers drop off or don’t convert, whichcan help inform decisions about how best to optimize your website for more conversions. Onceyou have these notes written down, it’s time to turn them into action. Experiment based on theshopper behaviour data that you collected – see a CTA that isn’t converting? Write down somenew ones and A/B test them!

Experiment Based on Shopper Behaviour

Experiment Based on Shopper Behavior

Once you have an understanding of what’s going wrong, it’s time to take action. Often, thismeans making small adjustments based on the data that you’ve collected—for example, ifthere’s a call-to-action (CTA) button that isn’t converting well, try writing some new ones andtesting them out in A/B tests. This will allow you to see which CTA works best for your targetaudience and make further optimizations accordingly. Another example is reducing the numberof steps required to checkout – no one likes filling out forms upon forms before finally getting topurchase their item!

Make It a Breeze To Buy

Make It a Breeze To Buy

One of the most important aspects of any online store is making it easy for customers topurchase items quickly and easily. One way to do this is by reducing the number of stepsnecessary for customers to get from browsing items in your store all the way through thecheckout process. Additionally, consider using landing pages for featured products or servicesthat contain relevant information about why customers should purchase from you—this will keepthem on track during their purchasing journey and increase conversion rates.

Update Copywriting Where Needed

Another important factor when trying to encourage people to purchase from your store iscopywriting—the words used throughout your website should effectively communicate whysomeone should purchase from you over competitors while also highlighting the problems thatthey solve. If you find that copywriting isn’t doing its job correctly (or if it hasn’t been updatedsince launch), then now would be a good time to review what’s currently on offer and makechanges where necessary!

A/B Test Whenever Possible

A/B Test Whenever Possible

Finally, one thing that many business owners forget about is A/B testing—testing differentversions of content against one another in order to determine which performs better withcustomers. This could involve anything from testing different colors for buttons or headlines toexperimenting with other images or videos on landing pages, whatever works best for yourstore’s needs! Google Optimize is a great free tool for getting started with A/B tests without toomuch effort spent configuring everything yourself – give it a try!

It can be difficult trying to figure out why money keeps slipping away from your Shopifystore—but with these five strategies in mind, there’s no reason why yours shouldn’t start seeingimprovements soon enough! Start by watching shopper behaviour closely using an analyticssystem like Google Analytics; then experiment based on those results; make purchasing easy;update copywriting as needed, and perform regular A/B tests whenever possible —it won’t takelong before those costly losses become profits instead! Good luck!

If you want some additional advice or even a hands-off approach, you’re in the right place. Ourteam of Shopify and SEO experts at DevPort Studio are happy to help you with your questionsor put together a strategy for your store. Want to talk with our experts? Book a call with us here.