Circle Menu

Track conversion rates and bring the familiarity of social media stories to your e-commerce store through the Circle Menu app. The app's interactive visuals help customers browse the brand's store faster and exhibit a featured collection. Furthermore, it offers custom options to plan the color schemes of your menu, reorder it, and match the aesthetics with your website theme. Additionally, a user gets the privilege to add custom images, links, and titles. As a result of all offered features, it strengthens the idea of improving conversion rate and AOV by lessening the effort of clicking for customers.

  • Delivery Time

    1 Month

  • Package Type

    Fixed Price Package

  • ProjectType

    Mobile App

Tools and Techniques


React Native


Pain Points

An app or site that falls from a user's expectations can be replaced with another search. Therefore, Circle Menu wanted to create a platform that doesn't just showcase custom aesthetic features but connects the user with the vibe of social media. Easy-to-approach collection icons, custom sticky menu designs, and tracking conversion leads were the milestones they expected from DevPort Studio to achieve in the provided timeline. While coordinating with our team, they emphasized building digital personality through utilizing creative ideas in the best way that not just compliments user experience but also impacts the presence of the e-commerce brand.

Our Approach

The first step was the creation of the wireframe that was discussed thoroughly with the client to ensure both parties may agree to outline the same strategies to implement the concept. After finalizing wireframes, our aim was to build a responsive mobile app design and custom theme features. Therefore, we used a tech stack including React, Nodejs, MYSQL and hosted it into VPS Digital Ocean to keep data clean and secure for the user. What did they get as a final product? Easy accessibility, brilliant visuals concept, custom menu themes, monitoring products’ addition, linking, and editing.


DevPort Studio followed an agile approach to bring the client’s phenomenal idea into a real market by supervising each step with great care and a professional skill set. Standing with the average 5.0 rating in the Shopify App Store, Circle Menu has gained what it intended to achieve in the first place. They wanted to exhibit different perspectives of e-commerce website design to the users using social media inspiration that turn out as a combo of art. We successfully powered their idea by designing a secured responsive app with custom-theme features and menu style to help them stand ahead of their competitors.

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